We offer telehealth services on a limited basis. If you need a telehealth visit, request it when you schedule your appointment. 

Office Hours

Mon, Tues, Thurs: 8:00 am - 8:30 pm

Wed, Fri: 8:00 am - 5 :00 pm

Saturday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Sunday: Closed

We have been informed that Tiffin Family Care will be closing on May 31.

We are currently welcoming new patients to Amana Family Practice!
We are prioritizing patients who currently have a family member in our practice, who were previously patients in our practice, or who live in the area. We are not accepting all patients who need pain management or are requiring other controlled substances.
Call today to find out what we need to transfer you to our practice. It may take a couple days for us to notify you whether we can meet your needs as we would like to make certain that we are able to provide everyone our high quality of care!
Thank you in advance for trusting us with your health!

Call Us:  3196223231

Our Services


Clinic News

Amana Family Practice Clinic 

AFPC facebook page

Amana Family Practice

505 39th Ave 
Amana, IA 52203

(319) 622-3231

The 4th of July is coming up fast! Please consider a donation to Amana Community Fireworks

PO Box 11

​Amana, IA 52203

Our entire clinic staff is dedicated to working with you to maintain and improve your health. We work hard to be responsive to your needs and make you feel comfortable when you are here. 

We believe in personalized care based on your health concerns. Read More

  • Primary and Preventive Care
  • Well Child visits and immunizations
  • DOT physicals
  • Annual wellness visits
  • Sports and Camp Physicals
  • Full Laboratory Testing
  • X-rays on site
  • Urgent care such as lacerations and fracture care
  • Pre-operative Clearance